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Learn Vietnamese Exercise - Level 01 Lesson 09

Review and practice new words in Lesson 09: Pronouns in Vietnamese (Part 1). If this is the first time you're here, I highly recommend you to learn the lesson first!

Learn Vietnamese Lesson 9 - Pronouns In Vietnamese Part 01

1. Review new words about singular pronouns in Vietnamese

Small/no age gap.
This is also used when you're unsure about the age of the person you're talking to or to keep the conversation neutral.
Tôi Bạn
(Bạn also means friend in Vietnamese)
You’re 5 to 20 years younger than the person you’re talking to. Em Anh (for male)
Chị (for female)
You’re 5 to 20 years older than the person you’re talking to. Anh (for male)
Chị (for female)
You’re 20 to 40 years old younger than the person you’re talking to. Con Chú (for male)
Cô (for female)
You’re 20 to 40 years older than the person you’re talking to. Chú (for male)
Cô (for female)
You’re 40+ years younger than the person you’re talking to. Con Ông (for male)
Bà (for female)
You’re 40+ years old older than the person you’re talking to. Ông (for male)
Bà (for female)
You’re the teacher of the person you’re talking to. Thầy (for male)
Cô (for female)
Small/no age gap.
Also used when you’re not sure about the age of the person you're talking about;
Bạn ấy
You’re 5 to 20 years younger than the person you’re talking about. Anh ấy (for male)
Chị ấy (for female)
You’re 5 to 20 years older than the person you’re talking about. Em ấy
You’re 20 to 40 years younger than the person you’re talking about. Chú ấy (for male)
Cô ấy (for female)
You’re 20 to 40 years older than the person you’re talking about. Cháu ấy
You’re 40+ years younger than the person you’re talking about. Ông ấy (for male)
Bà ấy (for female)
You’re 40+ years older than the person you’re talking about. Cháu ấy
You’re the teacher of the person you’re talking about. Em ấy

2. Flashcard game about singular pronouns in Vietnamese

Note: Click/Touch and hold to flip cards

Small/no age gap.
This is also used when you're unsure about the age of the person you're talking to or to keep the conversation neutral.

Tôi & bạn

You’re 5 to 20 years older than the person you’re talking to.

Anh (for male)/Chị (for female) & em

You’re 5 to 20 years younger than the person you’re talking to.

Em & anh (for male)/chị (for female)

You’re 20 to 40 years older than the person you’re talking to.

Chú (for male)/Cô (for female) & con

You’re 20 to 40 years younger than the person you’re talking to.

Con & chú (for male)/cô (for female)

You’re 40+ years older than the person you’re talking to.

Ông (for male)/Bà (for female) & con

You’re 40+ years younger than the person you’re talking to.

Con & ông (for male)/bà (for female)

You’re the teacher of the person you’re talking to.

Thầy (for male)/Cô (for female) & em/con

You’re the student of the person you’re talking to.

Em/con & thầy (for male)/cô (for female)

Small/no age gap.
Also used when you’re not sure about the age of the person you're talking about.

Bạn ấy

You’re 5 to 20 years younger than the person you’re talking about.

Anh ấy (for male)
Chị ấy (for female)

You’re 5 to 20 years older than the person you’re talking about.

Em ấy

You’re 20 to 40 years younger than the person you’re talking about.

Chú ấy (for male)
Cô ấy (for female)

You’re 20 to 40 years older than the person you’re talking about.

Cháu ấy

You’re 40+ years younger than the person you’re talking about.

Ông ấy (for male)
Bà ấy (for female)

You’re 40+ years older than the person you’re talking about.

Cháu ấy

You’re the teacher of the person you’re talking about.

Em ấy

You’re the student of the person you’re talking about.

Thấy ấy (for male)
Cô ấy (for female)


  1. Anonymous27/6/24 17:38

    How do you find lessons 1, 2 etc?

    1. You can find all the lessons of level 01 in this link:
      I hope that helps.


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