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Lesson 23: How much is it in Vietnamese

Summary: Learn Vietnamese numbers and how to ask "How much is it?" in Vietnamese. This lesson will help you apply numbers to questions about price, phone numbers, and age. Continue your Learn Vietnamese journey for more useful information.

Xin chào, welcome back to Learn Vietnamese 30 Days. Today, we'll use numbers to ask and answer questions about price, phone numbers, and age. Don’t forget to follow my blog to support my work. Thank you!

Learn Vietnamese Lesson 23 - How Much Is It In Vietnamese

1. Vocabulary about price in Vietnamese

Object/Item in Vietnamese


Here/This in Vietnamese


There/That in Vietnamese


Give in Vietnamese


A serving in Vietnamese


Kilogram in Vietnamese

2. How much is it in Vietnamese


Vietnamese: Cái + [này/kia] + bao nhiêu?
1 2
English: How much + [are/ is] + [it/ this/ that/ they/ these/ those]?
2 1


Vietnamese: Cái + [này/kia] + [price].
1 1 2
English: [It/ This/ That/ They/ These/ Those] + [are/ is] + [price].
1 2

How to say “Give me (something)” in Vietnamese?

Vietnamese: Cho + [pronoun] + [quantity] + [cái/ phần/ kí].
1 2 3 4
English: Give + [me/ you/ him/ etc.] + [quantity] + [piece(s)/ serving(s)/ kilo(s)].
1 2 3 4

Quiz 01: If you want two servings of food, how do you ask a street food vendor in Vietnamese?

(Note: Correct answer button will turn green.)

Quiz 02: How to ask “How much is that item?” in Vietnamese?

Quiz 03: How much is it if the seller response “Bốn trăm ngàn đồng”?


Vietnamese English
Cái này bao nhiêu?
⇒ Cái này 50 ngàn.
How much is this?
⇒ This is 50,000 VND.
Cái đó bao nhiêu?
⇒ Cái đó 30 ngàn 01 kí.
Cho tôi 02 kí.
How much is that food?
⇒ That food is 30,000 VND per kilo.
Give me 02 kilograms.
Điện thoại này bao nhiêu?
Điện thoại này 10 triệu.
How much is this phone?
⇒ This phone is 10 million VND.


  • The smallest common money note in Vietnam is 1,000 VND. People often skip "thousand" when saying prices under a million. For example, “Món này ba mươi lăm” means “This dish is 35,000 VND,” not 35 VND.
  • "K" is an unofficial abbreviation for a thousand VND. So, “Phở 35K” means “Phở 35,000 VND.”
  • Pho 35K in Vietnamese
  • In spoken Vietnamese, round numbers may drop their next unit. For example: “Năm trăm ba” means 530, “Một triệu hai” means 1,200,000. To say 1,000,002, specify “Một triệu lẻ hai.”
  • Numbers ending with 10 use “mốt” instead of “một” or “mười.” For example, “Một trăm mốt” means 110, “Hai trăm mốt” means 210.

3. Dialog

Andy and Mrs. Van conversation in Vietnamese - Learn Vietnamese 30 Days
Vietnamese English
Andy Cô ơi, cái này bao nhiêu tiền? Hello. How much is it?
Vân Món này 30 ngàn một phần. This dish is 30,000 VND per serving.
Andy Cho con 2 phần. Give me 2.
Vân Của con 60 ngàn. Cảm ơn con! Yours is 60,000 VND in total. Thank you!
Andy Cảm ơn cô! Thank you, maam!
Hoa and Linh conversation in Vietnamese - Learn Vietnamese 30 Days
Vietnamese English
Hoa Chị ơi, món này bao nhiêu? Hello. How much is it?
Linh 15 ngàn 1 kí 15,000 VND per 1 kilogram.
Hoa Cho em 3 kí. Bao nhiêu tiền? Give me 5 kilograms. How much? (in total)
Linh Của con 45 ngàn. Cảm ơn em! Yours is 45,000 VND in total. Thank you!
Hoa Cảm ơn chị! Thank you!

I hope these lessons help improve your life in Vietnam. Don’t forget to follow/subscribe to support this blog. Thank you and see you in:

You can also read more tips about "Food prices in Vietnamese" to know where to buy food and how much it costs on average, making your life in Vietnam more enjoyable.


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