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Lesson 16: Numbers in Vietnamese - Part 1 From 0 to 9

Summary: Many of you know “1 - 2 - 3 - dzô” in Vietnamese, but I’m pretty sure you can’t count more than three in Vietnamese. Let’s learn how to count from 0 to 9 in this lesson for money, grocery shopping, age, etc. Don’t forget to follow this blog and continue your Learn Vietnamese 30 Days journey.

As you known that “1 - 2 - 3 - dzô” is “ 1 - 2 - 3 - Bottoms Up”, but you need to learn how to count more than three. Similar to English, Vietnamese use one counting system for both formal and informal conversation. And there are a set of rules to follow, so you can call all numbers in Vietnamese easily. Let’s get started!

Learn Vietnamese Lesson 16 - Numbers In Vietnamese - Part 01 From 0 To 9

1. Vocabulary about numbers in Vietnamese

Numbers in Vietnamese


Zero in Vietnamese


Number One in Vietnamese


Number Two in Vietnamese


Number Three in Vietnamese


Number Four in Vietnamese


Number Five in Vietnamese


Number Six in Vietnamese


Number Seven in Vietnamese


Number Eight in Vietnamese


Number Nine in Vietnamese


Note: As you noticed, “Không” means “No” in previous lessons. But now, it also means zero in counting.

2. Exercise

Exercise 1: How do you say phone number “0974” in Vietnamese?

Exercise 2: How do you say phone number “476-794” in Vietnamese?

Exercise 3: How do you say phone number “0145-413-476” in Vietnamese?

Congratulations on mastering the basics of counting in Vietnamese! With this newfound knowledge, you're well-equipped to handle various everyday situations. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be counting like a pro!

In our next lesson, we'll delve into a practical topic: asking for someone's phone number in Vietnamese. Don't miss out on this essential skill for effective communication.


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