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Lesson 08: Family members in Vietnamese

Summary: Exploring family relationships at the outset of learning Vietnamese serves as a strategic move, particularly in mastering the intricate topic of pronouns.

You might wonder why delve into the Family Tree right at the start of Vietnamese lessons? Well, it's a deliberate choice aimed at facilitating your learning journey. Unlike some resources that merely translate English materials into Vietnamese, our approach acknowledges the distinct grammar challenges between these two languages.

Pronouns—such as I, you, we, he, she, it, they—are typically the first linguistic elements one encounters in a new language, crucial for communication. However, Vietnamese pronouns present a unique complexity. To navigate this challenge effectively, grasping the nuances of the Vietnamese family structure proves essential.

Learn Vietnamese Lesson 8 - Family Members In Vietnamese

1. Family tree

Learn Vietnamese 30 Days - Family Tree

2. Vocabulary about family members in Vietnamese

Vietnamese English
Ông Grandpa
Ba Dad
Mẹ Mom
Chú Uncle
Anh Elder brother
Chị Elder sister
Tôi Me
Em Younger brother/sister
Con Your child/children
Cháu Your grand child/children

3. Exercise

Exercise for Family members in Vietnamese

Quiz 01: Imagine that you’re a member of a Vietnamese family. How do you call grandpa Hưng and grandma Lan in Vietnamese?

(Note: Correct answer button will turn green.)

Quiz 02: Imagine that you’re a member of a Vietnamese family. How do you call Việt and Chi in Vietnamese?

(Note: Correct answer button will turn green.)

Quiz 03: Imagine that you’re a member of a Vietnamese family. How do you call Uncle Nam and Aunt Mỹ in Vietnamese?

(Note: Correct answer button will turn green.)

Quiz 04: Imagine that you’re a member of a Vietnamese family. How do you call Nhật and Hoa in Vietnamese?

(Note: Correct answer button will turn green.)

Understanding family member vocabulary lays a solid foundation for grasping Vietnamese pronouns, as many common pronouns derive from familial terms. Take ample time to familiarize yourself with these family members before progressing to:

You can try this flipcard of Family member in Vietnamese to memorize all new words. See you next time!


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