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Lesson 03: How To Spell Vietnamese - Group 01 Simple vowels and consonants

Summary: Let's begin the process of learning Vietnamese letter by letter. As discussed in the previous lesson, we will systematically divide the 29 vowels and consonants (including their diphthongs, triphthongs, digraphs, and trigraphs) into four manageable groups, each following similar rules in spelling. Get ready to delve into the intricacies of Vietnamese spelling as we progress through these groups.

Learning and mastering all the spelling rules presented in these lessons typically takes a Vietnamese child one to two years. Consequently, it may take you several days to grasp and practice these rules, but they are essential for your journey through "Learn Vietnamese 30 Days".

Blog Writer's Notes:

  1. All rules outlined here apply to standard Vietnamese, which is based on the Northern Vietnamese dialect.
  2. The Southern Vietnamese dialect alters the pronunciation of some consonants but does not affect their written form. Written Vietnamese always adheres to standard Vietnamese.
  3. Explanation of Some Terms Used in This Lesson:
  • Diphthongs and Triphthongs are combinations of two or three vowels. They may or may not alter the pronunciation of the original vowel.
  • Digraphs and Trigraphs are combinations of two or three consonants. They may or may not alter the pronunciation of the original consonant.
Learn Vietnamese Lesson 3 - How To Spell Vietnamese - Group 01 Simple Vowels And Consonants

1. Simple vowels and consonants

Congratulations! You've embarked on your journey to Learn Vietnamese in 30 days right here, starting with the first group of vowels and consonants in Vietnamese. This initial group comprises:

  • Consonants functioning solely as initial consonants, without any digraphs or trigraphs.
  • Vowels featuring only diphthongs.
Letters Initial consonants Vowels Closing consonants
Conso-nants Di-graphs & Tri-graphs Vowels Diph-thongs Triph-thongs Conso-nants Di-graphs
a a ai, ao, au, ay
â â âu, ây
e e eo
ê ê êu
ô ô ôi
ơ ơ ơi
b b
d d
đ đ
h h
l l
r r
s s
v v
x x

Note: Click to play

2. Vowel A and its diphthongs.

Initial consonant Vowel The complete word English
B a Ba Dad
D a Da Skin
Ai Ai Who
S ai Sai Wrong
Ao Ao Pond
S ao Sao Star
R au Rau Vegetables
B ay Bay Fly
S ay Say Drunk

Note: Click to play

Quiz 01: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

Quiz 02: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

3. Vowel  and its diphthongs.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
C âu Câu Fishing
C ây Cây Tree
Đ âu Đâu Where
D ây Dây String

Note: Click to play

Quiz 03: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

4. Vowel E and its diphthong.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
V e Ve Cicada
X e Xe Vehicle
Eo Eo Waist
H eo Heo Pig
R eo Reo Ring

Note: Click to play

Quiz 04: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

5. Vowel Ê and its diphthong.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
D ê Goat
L ê Pear
R êu Rêu Moss
L êu Lêu lêu The sound of razzing/blowing a rasberry

Note: Click to play

Quiz 05: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

6. Vowel Ô and its diphthong.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
Đ ô Đô Dollar
V ô Come in
Đ ôi Đôi Couple/Double
V ôi Vôi Limestone

Note: Click to play

Quiz 06: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

7. Vowel Ơ and its diphthong.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
B ơ Butter/Avocado
D ơ Dirty
L ơi Lơi Loose
R ơi Rơi Fall/Drop

Note: Click to play

Quiz 07: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

8. Consonants B, D, Đ, H, L, R, S, V, X.

Initial consonantVowelThe complete wordEnglish
B a Ba Dad
D a Da Skin
Đ i Đi Go/Walk
H o Ho Cough
L ê Pear
R a Ra Go out
S ư Sư tử Lion
V ô Come in
X u Xu Coin

Note: Click to play

Note: Formal Southern Vietnamese dialect does pronounce all consonants B, D, Đ, H, L, R, S, V, X as it is. But informal and spoken Vietnamese in the South (especially in rural areas) pronounces differently:

  • R, V becomes D. For example: “Ra” and “Va” becomes “Da”.
  • S becomes X. For example: “Sô” becomes “Xô”.

Quiz 08: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

Quiz 09: Which is the correct spelling of this audio?

(Note: Click to play audio. Correct answer button will turn green)

Take your time to diligently learn and practice this lesson before proceeding to the next one. By mastering the art of spelling Vietnamese in each lesson, you'll establish a solid foundation to progress swiftly in your Learn Vietnamese in 30 days journey. In the upcoming lesson, we will delve deeper into the second group of vowels and consonants in Vietnamese.

Thank you and see you very soon!


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